Digitization of Cultural Heritage, Old Records from the Natural and Social Sciences and Digital Humanities is an annual
conference, which has been taking place in Belgrade, Serbia, since 2002, and which is dedicated to different aspects of
digitization of cultural heritage. The conference is organized by the Faculty of Mathematics of Belgrade University and the
National Center for Digitization.
Conference will take place in Belgrade at Faculty of Mathematics (Studentski trg 16) on September 17th, 2019.
All submissions should be sent by email to:
[email protected] (in subject line please note: NCD Conference, paper
submission), by September 1st, 2019.
The guideline for writing an abstract is available in
english and
Conference Proceedings: Selected conference papers will be peer-reviewed for the publication in the international journal
Review of the National Center for Digitization (http://www.ncd.matf.bg.ac.rs/).
Registration and Attendance: There is no registration fee, but advanced registration for the conference is required.